When visiting any destination, there are sensitive issues that you must pay keen attention. Like other countries, Rwanda has its own unique traditions, cultures and practices that must be respected. As a visitor on Rwanda safari, you need to be careful about how you conduct yourself because there are some things that are not acceptable in Rwanda that could be okay in your home country.

Whether you plan to visit Rwanda for gorilla safaris in Volcanoes National Park, chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe/Gishwati-Mukura or game viewing in Akagera National Park, etc, here are some of the things to do to avoid getting in trouble.

Do not talk about the Rwanda genocide

About 29 years ago, Rwanda experienced the most terrific event –the civil war between the Hutu and Tutsis. The 1994 Rwanda genocide took place in the space of about 100 days leaving over 800,000 people dead and many homeless. It is one event that the country has vowed never again to happen and on Rwanda safari, it is something you shouldn’t talk about.

If you want to make any comment about the event, make sure that someone/people you are interrogating are comfortable and confident with it. In case they are not, don’t insist on it. The numerous genocide centers are open to visitors, and on your visit, you have freedom to ask as many questions as you can and answers given. The Gisozi/Kigali memorial center is one incredible genocide memorial site you should consider exploring during the Kigali city tour.

Littering the city/environment is prohibited

Kigali & Rwanda is entirely considered the cleanest destination for a reason. The country’s principle on not littering the environment has played a significant part. It is a tradition in Rwanda that every last Saturday of the month, everyone gets involved in communal cleaning of their areas and even the president has in many occasions engaged in it. Littering the environment is highly prohibited in Rwanda, therefore, don’t throw empty bottles or urinate randomly as it may come with penalty.

Use of plastic bags isn’t allowed

Use of plastic bags was completely banned in Rwanda. On Rwanda safari, avoid carrying plastic bags and even at the airport, your property will be checked thoroughly and if found, it will be confiscated.

Taking pictures in prohibited places

Know where you can take pictures from, not every place be visited for photography for instance military installations. Rwanda as a country is conscious when it comes to security and in case you aren’t certain if it is allowed for you to take photos, make sure that you make an inquiry first.

Respect the Rwandan cultures & traditions

Like other destinations, Rwanda has its unique cultures, traditions and practices to be respected. Dress in a manner that is not disrespectful or abusive to the norms/traditions/cultures of Rwanda.

Respect the road traffic rules

On a road trip in Rwanda, the road traffic rules must be respected at all times. Not observing the country’s traffic laws may land you on trouble and penalties.